28 College Street Caroline Springs, VIC, 3023 | Phone: 03 8361 9822 |



Friday 12th May 2023

My dear people,

I trust that you have been able to add to your own devotions or begin devotions to Our Lady since my weekly message last week. A reminder that the relic of Our Lady of Tears, which was here last year, will be in the parish again tomorrow and Sunday.

I am pleased to announce that I now have more information about the pilgrimage to the Holy Land next year, including itinerary and indicative costs. As mentioned, it will leave on Monday 20th May 2024 and be back around 2nd June 2024. The document is too long to post here. As such, if you want more information, please email the parish and we will reply with the document.

It was wonderful to see the church packed to the rafters with members of the community of St George Preca Catholic Primary School on 9th May as they came to celebrate the Feast Day of St George Preca. Let us continue to pray that the Lord will inspire them to be disciples of his, like their patron saint was.

At the monthly Mass in Korean tomorrow, there will be 9 baptisms. We congratulate these children and their families on the occasion of their Baptism as they become members of the Catholic Church. Let us pray that the relationship, which starts between them and God tomorrow, brings great joy throughout their lives.

As I said at my Masses last weekend, it was difficult for me to have to announce that Fr Joel had been transferred to St Francis of Assisi in Mill Park. I continue to thank God as well as Fr Joel for his wonderful contribution to our community during his short time with us. Again, I invite you to pray for him that his time in Mill Park will be a source of rich blessings for him.

Last Wednesday, I had a meeting with Archbishop Comensoli to discuss my own future here as the Parish Priest of St Catherine of Siena, Caroline Springs. As you know, I arrived on 4th October 2017 and the term of my current appointment expires in October this year. I am pleased, delighted and grateful to God that the archbishop has said he has no intention of moving me in October and that things would continue as they are. I am so happy to be with you past 4th October. I look forward to continuing to grow, together with all of you, everything we have started to make our parish the best parish in the Archdiocese of Melbourne!

On Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day. What an awesome opportunity given to us to thank and bless God for our mothers! From the moment of our conception, they have lavished us with love and care, and they do that day in day out. Sunday is the day to tell them and show them, in a particular way, our appreciation for all they do for us. We also pray for continued strength and courage for them for all they do and are for us. We ask God to make them great examples of fidelity, just like our mother in heaven. We also pray for the repose of the souls of all the deceased mothers of our community, particular for those who have died in the past year.

We continue turning to our patron saint and we ask for her intercession.

St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.


Yours sincerely in Christ,

Fr Richard Rosse PP

St Catherine Of Siena Parish Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule

Monday:  9:30am

Tuesday: 7:00pm
Wednesday:  9:30am
Thursday:  9:30am
Friday:  9:30am

Saturday: 9:30am & 6:00pm
Sunday:  8:30am, 10:30am & 12:30pm


Tuesday: 6:00 pm

Saturday:  8:45 am, 10:00 am and 5:00 pm or by appointment if these times don’t suit.