28 College Street Caroline Springs, VIC, 3023 | Phone: 03 8361 9822 |



Friday 22nd March 2024

My dear people,

A gentle reminder that the Mass times change option chosen by most people was Option 2 – 8.30am, 10.30am & 12.30pm and this change will take effect from Sunday 7th April. Ann has also completed a review of the few additional comments given on the survey which mainly relate to us giving consideration to a Sunday evening Mass. Whilst this is not something we have considered for the foreseeable future; we will take the comments into consideration again when we review the effectiveness of the Mass times changes.  Again, I would like to sincerely thank all of you for the wonderful way in which you participated in the survey. In the meantime, we continue our conversations between the Ministry Coordinators and members of ministries involved in the celebration of Mass as we prepare for the change. Please know that I am available for any questions you may have.

During this joyful Season of Lent, the following are some ways in which you can add to your prayer life:

  • Attend Bible Study on Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the meeting rooms.

The Holy Week and Easter Timetable for 2024 has been published in this weekend’s bulletin and on our website. You can also find it in the gathering space. As we prepare to enter this most solemn time of the church’s calendar, I invite you to open your heart to enter fully in these decisive events through which the salvation of the world came about. This year, on Palm Sunday, we will hear the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark. You are invited to assemble in the gathering space before Mass for the blessing of the palms and the procession to commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Our parish will host the Novena to the Divine Mercy this year. The novena will start on Good Friday 29th March and conclude on Divine Mercy Sunday 7th April, with a  Mass at 3pm on that day (in addition to our regular Sunday Masses). Further details are on the poster in the gathering space, in the bulletin and on the website.  There is also a sign-up sheet for required ministries for the Divine Mercy Novena for which you are invited to put your name down.

On Good Friday, at 7:30pm, we will pray Tenebrae, which is the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer of Holy Saturday. Bishops, priests, deacons, and all in religious life must pray the Divine Office, also known as the Liturgy of the Hours every day. On Good Friday in the evening, it is customary to combine these two offices in Tenebrae and the whole church is invited to participate. It is a wonderful way to pray and meditate on the death of Jesus, a death which he underwent for the forgiveness of our sins.

The first anniversary of the death of Fr John Tollan occurs on Wednesday 27th March. The 9:30am Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul. You are all invited to come and pray the repose of the soul of Fr John.

On Wednesday 27th March, there will be four priests here to celebrate the Sacrament of Confession., starting at 7pm until 8:30pm. Fr Frank Buhagiar, Fr David Cartwright, Fr Jossy Kizhakkethalackal and I will be available for the sacrament.

Our parish will run its tenth session of Alpha starting on 17th April this year. I highly urge you to think about attending Alpha this year. We all have gone through times in our lives when we have questioned the very meaning of life. Perhaps you are going through this right now. Perhaps your daughter or son, brother or sister, or colleague is going through this at the moment. Alpha is the best way to come to reflect on the deeper meaning of life. May I ask you to consider attending and encouraging them to attend Alpha? You and they will certainly benefit from it!

We continue turning to our patron saint and we ask for her intercession.

St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.


Yours sincerely in Christ,

Fr Richard Rosse PP

St Catherine Of Siena Parish Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule

Monday:  9:30am

Tuesday: 7:00pm
Wednesday:  9:30am
Thursday:  9:30am
Friday:  9:30am

Saturday: 9:30am & 6:00pm
Sunday:  8:30am, 10:30am & 12:30pm


Tuesday: 6:00 pm

Saturday:  8:45 am, 10:00 am and 5:00 pm or by appointment if these times don’t suit.