Friday 24th February 2023.
My dear people,
The joyful season of Lent started last Wednesday and we are now on the great journey that prepares us for the celebration of the Resurrection at Easter. We will have Stations of the Cross every Friday in the parish, at 10am immediately after the 9:30am Mass and at 7pm. There will be Bible Study every Monday at 7pm in the Cafeteria of CRC CS where the Gospel of the Sundays of Lent will be discussed. I hope that these activities will supplement your own chosen acts of penance to enable you to get closer to Our Lord during this season of Lent.
As mentioned last year, Kerry Perry, who has been our florist for more than ten years, completed that ministry at the end of last year. We will formally thank and farewell her at the 10:30am Mass on Sunday 5th March. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful people who have accepted to join the team of florists and provide for us the wonderful arrangements which we have had this year.
There is a new initiative that I am starting in the parish and that is to invite people to give witness about their life of faith and their relationship with Jesus Christ. I have often heard over the past few years how important it is to offer people the opportunity to share the wonders that Jesus has done for them in their lives. It would be good for all of us to hear from fellow parishioners about why their relationship with Christ is important to them. This will start from next weekend and will occur once a month. If you are interested in participating, please let me know.
Our monthly parish BBQ starts again this year on Sunday at 1pm. You are all most welcome to it, of course. It would be great to see many people there even those who have not been to the 12pm Mass returning for some fellowship.
This coming Friday, 3rd March, is the first Friday of the month and we will have our monthly Friday Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Since it is also a Friday of Lent, Stations will be at 7pm, followed by Mass and Devotions at 7:30pm.
We continue turning to our patron saint and asking for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP